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Stand in line, It's worth the wait!

At KafkaTel we are committed to delivering the service we promise... No matter how long it takes!

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About us

At KafkaTel we identify critical services needed by our customers. We know that consistency and management of expectations is the most important aspect of customer service.

Thats why we provide a maximum service level agreements. We can guarantee that no service will be installed in less than 48 hours, allowing you to organize your life around our technicians and support staff.


Speeds up to 8Mbps
Leased line services, perfect for service hosting.
Speeds up to 24Mbps
Last generation connectivity supporting all manner of piracy.
Level 1: Customer Support Representative
Customer Operations
$13K / year
Senior Graft Processing Agent
Commensurate with experience
Local loop technician
Field Services
$18k / year


The maintenance of this bureaucratic infrastructure allows us to act as a jobs program for underemployed hackers.


Our Clients


After signing up for KafkaTel I then had to re-submit paperwork three times, repeatedly call customer service, and finally threaten legal action. After the last step they found a technician who could install the service four days later.

Fabienne Serrière

Fabienne Serrière

KnitYak, CEO

What? I have no idea who these people are. Did they register? Are they demanding payment? I already have too many things to do without having to deal with this also. Can't Tim just kick them out or something?

David Hulton

David Hulton

ToorCamp, Chairman

In this digital generation where information can be easily obtained within seconds, I appreciate that an entire organization can be so committed taking their sweet ass time. Sure, there isn't a single reason why they couldn't turn around an install in an hour or so... but they're committed to really milking that service level agreement.



Head of Global Operations, TikiTech


Phone Number



[email protected]

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